LEaP (Learning Environment and Pedagogics)

New for 2022

The Teaching Academy is partnering with the Center for Teaching, Learning and Mentoring in the creation and delivery of a new introduction to teaching program, which will replace the Learning Environment and Pedagogics (LEaP) program in 2022. The new offering is called Teaching at UW: Pre-Semester Course Preparation. It includes four, pre-semester, fully online, interactive workshops that introduce evidence-based practices, and help instructors consider meaningful strategies to enhance their course design and instruction. Faculty, instructional academic staff and graduate student instructors of all experience levels are welcome to attend.

Participants are encouraged to attend all four pre-semester workshops; however, it is not required. Instructors who attend all four sessions are eligible for “Affiliate” status with the Teaching Academy.

Learn More & Register by Jan. 4

History of LEaP

The LEaP program was created by members of the UW-Madison Teaching Academy in 2015. The original development team consisted of Teaching Academy members Chris Dakes, Jamie Henke, Trina McMahon, Sarah Miller and Tim Paustian. Beth Martin, Sue Wenker and John Booske also soon became members of the LEaP team as well. Teaching Academy members from the Health Sciences and the Writing Center also provided content and led sessions for the program. In recent years, the LEaP workshop added information about teaching online presented by Karen Skibba and Karin Spader, and at our most recent workshop we were joined by members of the Morgridge Center who presented information on community learning. Topics covered in the workshop included Designing for Learning, Active Learning, First Day of Class activities, Syllabus Design, Assessment and Assignment Design, and discussions around the Art of Teaching. The program was offered for instructors of all types including those who find themselves in instructor type roles to full professors interested in refreshing their knowledge of teaching.