Become a Member

Why apply?

You already care about excellence in teaching and learning. Now come share that enthusiasm, and your expertise as an educator, with others. Become a part of a community of committed educators. Weigh in on policy issues that affect teaching and learning at UW.  Engage in regular conversations with others in the campus teaching and learning community on topics that significantly impact teaching during member events and retreats. Build relationships, skills, community, and a better UW-Madison.

See current members. Members are listed in reverse chronology of joining the Academy. To find a specific member in the list use the text search feature of your browser.

Creation: The Faculty Senate created the Teaching Academy — the first of its kind in the Big 10 — 30 years ago on December  6, 1993. The formation of the Teaching Academy was one of the recommendations of the Committee on Teaching Quality, Evaluation, and Rewards Committee, which was primarily charged with investigating the broad  scope of issues that affect the quality, rewards, and incentives for teaching on the Madison campus. (source: UWTA_2000-07-27_Information Page). Membership was initially limited to 120 Fellows — 5% of the 2400 faculty on campus, but has expanded to recognize the roles of staff, teaching assistants, and post-docs.

From the bylaws: 


Section 1. Fellows shall consist of those nominated from the UW-Madison faculty and staff who have directly and/or indirectly highly impacted teaching & learning at UW-Madison for at least 3 years and have demonstrated a commitment to the University’s educational mission. The executive committee will vote on nomination packages for Fellows.

Section 2. Fellows are encouraged to be active participants in Teaching Academy events, serve on subcommittees and provide input into Teaching Academy initiatives by (a) sharing their enthusiasm and expertise as an educator with others, (b) weighing in on policy issues that affect teaching and learning at UW, (c) enriching the community of committed educators.

Section 3. UW-Madison Teaching Academy Future Faculty Partners (FFPs) are actively involved in classroom, field, outreach or extension education. The executive committee will vote on nomination packages for FFPs.

Section 4. For educators in any setting who wish to affiliate with the Teaching Academy, the EC shall create policies as needed.

Apply at any time!

The Teaching Academy recognizes excellence in teaching and learning occurs in a variety of spaces and methods — in and out of the classroom. We welcome applicants who teach or support traditional classrooms, clinical practice, field instruction, or learner support at any level. 

There are three pathways for membership. You will be able to indicate which of these paths you are using in the membership application form.

  1. Application Packet (see the description below), OR
  2. Campus Award Nomination packet for a prior teaching award (within last 10 years), OR
  3. Letter of support from the Dean, Chair or Program director of your school/college or department. Letters of support are typical 1-2 pages. You also have the option to include a personal statement.

Use our membership application form to apply. Please review the checklist below to help you gather the right materials. We also encourage you to connect with a current member or the Membership Committee for advice about the application process.  If you have questions about your application please email the Membership Committee:

Standard Application Packet Checklist

If applying to be a Fellow or Future Faculty Partners, the standard method for applying is through an application packet containing:

  • Personal Statement that indicates:
    • Educator experience (# of years/semesters at UW-Madison)
    • Evidence of excellence teaching and/or supporting teaching and learning
    • Teaching philosophy
  • Two letters of support from learners (500-word limit per each; Letters of Support can come from anyone who can attest to their experience of learning from you)
  • One nomination letter (optional)
  • Abbreviated curriculum vitae (two-page maximum) that highlights your teaching and learning activities.

Note: UW-Madison educational settings include but are not limited to: Lecture Classes, Online/Blended Courses, Hybrid instruction, Lab Classes, Seminar Classes, Discussion, Sections, Studio Classes, Clinical Settings, Certification Programs, Field-based labs, Classes, Community-based Learning Settings, Tutoring, Supervision, Consultation, Mentoring and more.

More details about Membership Categories

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Affiliates are individuals who have an interest in the Academy, but are not full members.

  • The Affiliate status recognizes and welcomes instructors (faculty and staff), teaching assistants, and graduate students who demonstrate ongoing interest in improving teaching and learning, but who might not yet have the three years of demonstrated excellence at UW-Madison required for Fellow status (or three semesters for FFPs).
  • It may also be awarded as an honor to recognize contributions to Teaching Academy events, such as presenting at our Fall and Winter Retreats.

We encourage Affiliates to apply to be Fellows or FFPs if they meet all the requirements of membership!

Future Faculty Partner (FFPs)

Future Faculty Partners (FFPs) are graduate students who have demonstrated sustained teaching excellence and a commitment to advancing the mission of the Academy for at least 3 semesters. There are three pathways for Future Faculty Partner membership:

  1. Application Packet (see checklist above), OR
  2. Nomination packet developed for a prior a teaching award (within last 10 years), OR
  3. Letter of support from the Dean, Chair or Program director of your school/college or department.

Once you have determined which pathway, and assembled documents, upload them using the membership application form. Note: you must login to Google with your account to access this form.


Fellows are Faculty or Acadademic Staff who have demonstrated sustained teaching excellence and a commitment to advancing the mission of the Academy for at least 3 years. There are three pathways for Fellow or Future Faculty Partner membership:

  1. Application Packet (see checklist above), OR
  2. Nomination packet developed for a prior a teaching award (within last 10 years), OR
  3. Letter of support from the Dean, Chair or Program director of your school/college or department.

Once you have determined which pathway, and assembled documents, upload them using the membership application form. Note: you must login to Google with your account to access this form.

Joint Dual IPE Distinguished Fellowship

In 2021, the UW Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (UW CIPE) and the UW–Madison Teaching Academy announced the inaugural application of the Joint Dual UW CIPE and Teaching Academy IPE Distinguished Fellowship. Up to three honorary distinguished fellowships are awarded to faculty members, academic staff, and professional students in recognition of their excellence in IPE teaching, practice, research, and/or leadership at UW-Madison and beyond. Learn More.