Member+ Events — Scholarship and Informal Conversations on Teaching and Learning

Member+ Events

UW-Madison Teaching Academy Member+ Events are designed as sessions for our members — Affiliates, Fellows, and Future Faculty Partners — to meet together for formal, planned discussions on topics relevant to Teaching & Learning on campus. The + means you’re encouraged to bring a colleague or two!

Questions? Please contact Claire Barrett.

Emerging Changes in Teaching at UW-Madison

Date/time:  Wednesday, April 24, 2:30-3:30pm (virtual event)

Join other Teaching Academy members and (and guests!) for a discussion about the top changes that you’ve noticed with your classes and those that your colleagues are facing today.  How are they similar or different to what higher education trend-watchers have identified for 2024? Let’s have a conversation about the most salient issues in campus teaching and learning today.

More details: M+ Event april 2024: Emerging Trends in Higher Education.


Past Member Events