Save the Date: Thu, Nov 9th, 3-6pm. Tripp Commons (and Zoom)
Register here, and use this .ics file to add the event to your calendar: 3-45-5-30pm UWTA 30th Reunion (Socializing 3-6pm).
The 2023-24 School Year marks 30 years since the Faculty Senate approved a motion that founded the UW-Madison Teaching Academy! A lot has changed in the time that has passed. The Teaching Academy’s advocacy has been instrumental in increased campus appreciation and support for good teaching and learning. For example:
- Before the Teaching Academy, there were only two campus awards for teaching. By raising awareness and appreciation for good teaching, the Celebrating Effective Teaching task force led by Norm Jensen (Medical School – Dept. of Medicine) and others worked with the Provost’s office to improve campus recognition for excellent teaching. Now there are dozens of teaching awards on campus!
- The first Teaching & Learning Symposium, held May 22-23, 1997 was initiated by the Instructional Technology task force that Steve Ackerman (Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences), John Delamater (Sociology) and others started. Partnering with Libraries and DoIT-AT, it was initially focused on technology, but has evolved to encompass many aspects of teaching and learning.
- Work from the Peer Review of Teaching task force started by Katherine Sanders
(Director, Creating a Collaborative Academic Environment/ CCAE) and others led directly to Feedback on Teaching, and helped shape other campus classroom observations. - Running for a dozen+ years, the Teaching Academy Summer Institute provided space for 25-40 participants to create or redesign courses they taught. CTLM now offers a Course Design Institute in its stead.
Please save the date to join us to commemorate 30 years of Community and Advocacy — and share your ideas on what we should focus on next! (registration information is forthcoming). And if you would like to help plan and facilitate this 30th Reunion event, please contact