Retreat Recap: Relationships (Oct 27, 2009)

Fall Collaborative Teaching Adventures and Learning Outcome Forum.

The Teaching Academy kicked off the Teaching Adventures and Outcomes Series of the 2009-2010 academic year on Tuesday, October 27th, 2009. For this event, we hosted Tony Docan-Morgan, assistant professor in Communication Studies from the University of Wisconsin – La Crosse. He gave a presentation entitled “Developing Meaningful Relationships with Our Students: Research Findings and Practical Ideas”. In particular, he shared with us his research findings and practical ideas on how one-time communicative events change college teacher-student relationships and how these changes could profoundly affect outcomes such as student learning and motivation. Thanks to the publicizing efforts of the Forum collaborative units below, Dr. Docan Morgan’s lecture was well received and warmly shared by 43 attendants from the campus.

Teaching Adventures and Outcomes is a monthly forum for sharing the experience and results of efforts in teaching and learning among faculty, staff, postdocs, and graduate students. This forum is a collaborative effort of DoIT Academic Technologies, CALS Council on Teaching and Learning, Center for Biology Education, Delta Program in Research, Teaching and Learning, Engineering Learning Center, UW Teaching Academy and the Wisconsin Program for Scientific Teaching.