Retreat Recap: Identifying Communities of Practice (Jan 16, 2015)

Identifying Communities of Practice

The UW-Teaching Academy presented its Winter Retreat for 2015 on Friday, January 16 at Union South. Over 50 participants from across campus gathered to share their thoughts, experiences, and visions about existing and emerging communities of practice.

Ten community leaders on campus were invited to give “pop-up” talks; short, 10-minute talks outlining the defining moments in their experience with their various communities of practice, as well as the impact of such community experiences on their teaching and learning. A facilitated workshop session followed the talks. The workshop focus was leadership roles in community learning, based on a Wenger-Traynor model. The discussion gave all participants a chance to reflect upon their own existing communities of practice, discover potential communities of practice that have relationships with their career, and discover ways to enhance the value of Communities of Practice through better understanding the theory and research around Communities of Practice.

Here is the list of guest speakers:

John Pfotenhauer, Cryogenics in Mech. Engineering

Don Gillian-Daniel & Jess Maher, DELTA

Jeremy Morris & Lori Kido Lopez, MTLE alumni

Daniel S. Jacobsohn, School of Education, Assistant Vice Provost for Academic IT Relations (Second Tuesday Leadership Breakfasts)

Catherine Stephens, ComETS

Michael Maguire & Linda Roberts – SOHE EI project

Marian Farrior, UW Arboretum, Community Partnerships and Outreach (CPO) Staff Network

This event was co-sponsored by UW-Madison Teaching Academy, Vice-Provost Office for Teaching and Learning, Madison Teaching and Learning Excellence Program, DoIT Academic Technology and University Health Services.


  • 8:30 – 9:00 Breakfast
  • 9:00 – 9:15 Welcome, Teaching Academy news and updates
  • 9:15 – 10:30 Pop-up Talks (seven speakers or pairs, 8-10 minutes for each speaker)
    • John Pfotenhauer, Cryogenics in Mech. Engineering
    • Don Gillian-Daniel & Jess Maher, DELTA
    • Jeremy Morris & Lori Kido Lopez, MTLE alumni
    • Daniel S. Jacobsohn, School of Education, Assistant Vice Provost for Academic IT Relations (Second Tuesday Leadership Breakfasts)
    • Catherine Stephens, ComETS
    • Michael Maguire & Linda Roberts – SOHE EI project
    • Marian Farrior, UW Arboretum, Community Partnerships and Outreach (CPO) Staff Network
  • 10:30 – 10:45 Q&A, debrief
  • 10:45 – 11:00 Break
  • 11:00 – 11:15 Intro and resources for the working session
  • 11:15 – 12:00 Working Session “Leadership roles in social learning”

The retreat is open to the whole UW-Madison community. Breakfast sandwiches, coffee and cakes will be provided. Visit this link for resources for the working session. Space is limited to 120, so register soon.

This event is co-sponsored by UW-Madison Teaching Academy, Vice-Provost Office for Teaching and Learning, DoIT Academic Technology and University Health Services.

2015 Academy Winter Retreat