2018-2019 Annual Report

2018-2019 Annual Report from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Teaching Academy 

Report on membership by the Academy co-chairs:

Mission: We work to promote, recognize, and support teaching and learning excellence in the UW–Madison community.

Who we are: The Teaching Academy is composed of approximately 300 volunteer faculty, instructional staff, and graduate students who are recognized by their peers for sustained, demonstrated teaching excellence. Our membership is joined by affiliates who teach in classroom, clinic, or field settings around the state.

In collaboration with the Vice Provost for Teaching & Learning we achieved the following:

  • Accomplishment 1: We made mission-critical changes to staffing this year. We are now staffed by two part-time administrative staff to advance efficiency in event planning and financial accounting respectively.
  • Accomplishment 2: We implemented an administrative redesign that will improve efficiency, effectiveness, and the retention of institutional memory. This was done at no cost other than the staffing mentioned above.
  • Accomplishment 3: We changed our policies and procedures that will enhance the reach of our recommendations. The policy topics that we addressed in our undergraduate listening sessions (UCLASS) and members-only roundtables (MOR) include: (a) feedback on teaching and (b) inclusivity in the learning environment.
  • Accomplishment 4: We maintained abundant participation in our annual events. We strengthened our participation in policy discussions by participating actively in meetings of the Collaborative for Advancing Teaching and Learning. We are growing the UW Madison Teaching Academy.

Long-range Goal: We anticipate supporting excellence in teaching & learning by offering the same successful events consolidated for greater cost-efficiency but maintaining the high-quality programs that we assess in multiple ways. We will facilitate the development of additional inclusive teaching opportunities in alignment with the VPTL vision. 

Short-term goals for Y 20 

  1. Grow the affiliate program to include a total of 150 affiliates. 
  2. Describe who and how many people register for events. 
  3. Develop activities fostering inclusivity across learning environments, with a focus on teachers at all levels, students with disabilities, and gender.