Members Only: Silver Linings of Teaching During the Pandemic (May 14, 2021)

Silver Linings of Teaching During the Pandemic

Friday, May 14, 2021, noon, on Zoom

Ailea Merriam-Pigg (she, they)
Angela Kita
Margene Anderson
Heather Willis-Allen
Lindy Stoll
David Dwyer

Organized by: Morton Ann Gernsbacher, Claire Barrett, Sarah Jedd, Pam McGranahan.

About Members Only Events: UW-Madison Teaching Academy Members Only Events are exclusive sessions for Affiliates, Fellows, and FFPs to meet together for informal discussions on topics relevant to Teaching & Learning on campus.

Register for this event HERE


**Please ensure you have a Zoom account and are logged in to join the MOR**

Questions? Please contact Morton Gernsbacher or Claire Barrett