Member+ Event: The Gigification of the Academy — Fri Dec 09, 2022

The Teaching Academy invites members and their guests* to a Members+ event on Friday, December 09 from 12-1 pm via Zoom. (Please Register!)

The topic will be “The Gigification** of UW-Madison Teaching Professionals,” meaning the progressive employment of annual contract (or per course) faculty. During our hour together, we will begin with an overview of national data, and a (quick) overview of the wide array of faculty titles available at UW-Madison (Lecturer, the Teaching Professor series, the Teaching Faculty series, etc). We will then share lived experiences of “gigified” faculty, and, most importantly, as a group, we will discuss what we can do to increase equity re: job security, teaching load, salary, and the like, perhaps developing a Statement of Best Practice. Visit the Event page for a calendar invitation.

*Guests can be any member of the UW-Madison community who has an interest in teaching and learning.

**Gig work earns income without a traditional, long-term employer-employee commitment” (

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