We hope you enjoy this month’s newsletter, which includes three sections giving you multiple ways of staying involved with the Teaching Academy. Attend upcoming events, share your ideas and experiences in the Academy Forum, and—new this month—see ways you can get involved in ongoing academy activities
- Winter LEaP, January 14-15, 2020 (registration is full, waitlist sign up here)
- Save the date! Winter Retreat, January 31, 2020 (registration forthcoming)
- Save the date! new member Induction Ceremony, January 31, 2020, following the Winter Retreat
- Teaching and Learning Symposium, May 14, 2020, Union South. Call for proposals due January 26, 2020
- Active Teaching Labs: Join colleagues to share and learn tips, tricks, experiences, and new techniques on using technology for good teaching at twice-weekly discussions in partnership with DoIT-AT, at the Middleton building (1305 Linden Dr) in room 120 on Thursdays 1-2pm and Fridays 8:30-9:45am. More info.
- Thu 1.16 Week 0 Modules for Student Success: Give them everything they need to know to navigate and succeed in your course
- Fri 1.17 Canvas as a Course Hub: Guide students through content to reduce frustration.
- Thu 1.23 Supporting Student Mental Health in Canvas: Proactively build support for your students into your course
- Fri 1.24 Tips for Managing Canvas Files: Make file management easier for you and students.
- Thu 1.30 Rubrics and UDL (Universal Design for Learning): Build rubrics that support multiple means for students to express content mastery.
If you have events, workshops, news, or other notices that would benefit Teaching Academy members, please share here: teachingacademy.wisc.edu/teaching-academy-internal
This is a space waiting for YOU to fill it! In the January newsletter we’ll publish answers written by and for our members to the questions below. This is a chance to share ideas and inspiration with Fellows, Partners & Affiliates across campus! Why not take a few minutes to share a few thoughts right now?
Contribute to the Academy Forum!go.wisc.edu/theacademyforum
- What is something you learned at a professional conference that has impacted your teaching? How?
- What’s your favorite and/or least favorite Canvas feature?
- What is one thing you tried in your work or classroom after the Fall Retreat on Inclusive Teaching Practices (held on Sept. 27, 2019)? What did you do and how did it go?
Responses included in the newsletter will typically be less than one paragraph, but in some cases we may include a longer response. Responses may be edited for brevity and to fit the format of the newsletter.
Get involved! | Learn how you can contribute to the Academy’s ongoing activities
- Summer Institute (TASI) — margene.anderson@wisc.edu Join the TASI action committee; share your talents in one of these areas: communications & marketing, participant outreach & management, speaker recruitment, on-site admin, onsite consultation
- Active Teaching Labs — john.martin@wisc.edu Improve campus teaching by helping to plan, organize, and facilitate instructor-to-instructor sharing of experiences using technology to teach better.
- Newsletter & Academy Forum — dan.pell@wisc.edu Join the planning committee, contribute to the forum, act as guest editor for monthly newsletter
- Fall Retreat | Winter Retreat —dan.pell@wisc.edu Join the committee to plan, organize & facilitate campus-wide teaching development events
- U-Class — jamie.henke@wisc.edu Explore teaching and learning from the student perspective by attending our U-CLaSS sessions
- Analytics Committee — jkowalko@wisc.edu Help us gather and organize data to reflect on the impact of Teaching Academy events
- Affiliate/Clinical Affiliate — wenker@pt.wics.edu Teaching experiential courses, from clinic to fieldwork? Become involved in growing the clinical affiliate or affiliate program
- Nomination Committee — wenker@pt.wics.edu Honor great campus educators & promote excellence by helping to review nominations to the Teaching Academy