January 2020 Newsletter

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New this month: Read responses from Academy members in the Academy Forum!

Upcoming Events | What’s happening in the Academy?

  • Teaching and Learning Symposium: Last chance!  Call for proposals due Sunday, Jan 26 | Lifelong Learning (and Unlearning) as Teachers
  • Winter Retreat: Friday, Jan 31, 2020, 9am (light breakfast available at 8:30) | DeLuca Forum, Wisconsin Institute for Discovery.
    Continuing our theme of Inclusive Teaching, Warren Scherer (Assistant Dean & Director) & Tiffany Lee (Crossroads Coordinator) will join us from the Gender and Sexuality Campus Center (lgbt.wisc.edu)
  • New Member Induction Ceremony: January 31, 2020, 11:30am-12:30pm (following the Winter Retreat) | DeLuca Forum, WID
  • Active Teaching Labs: Join colleagues to share and learn tips, tricks, experiences, and new techniques on using technology for good teaching at twice-weekly discussions in partnership with DoIT-AT, at the Middleton building (1305 Linden Dr) rm120 Thu 1-2pm and Fri 8:30-9:45amMore info
    • Thu 01.23 Supporting Mental Health in Canvas Register Anticipate and proactively respond to student needs.
    • Fri 01.24 Tips for Managing Canvas Files Register Live embedding easy updates. Easy copies of worksheets and lab notebooks for each student. Co-instructor collaboration.
    • Thu 01.30 Rubrics and UDL Register Use Universal Design for Learning in rubrics broad enough to offer students options to show mastery, but narrow enough to capture learning.
    • Thu 02.06 Effective Online Discussions Register They’re not online versions of face-to-face discussions!
    • Fri 02.07 H5P.org for Pressbooks Register Easy-to-create interactive learning activities!
    • Thu 02.13 Learning Analytics Register What can (and can’t) you learn about student learning from the online behavior?
    • Fri 02.14 Learning From and About Students Register Draw on students’ other course experiences to improve yours.

Share events, workshops, news, or other notices for Teaching Academy members at teachingacademy.wisc.edu/teaching-academy-internal 

Congratulations to our Newest Members! | Induction Ceremony, January 31 at 11:30am-12:30pm

These individuals will be inducted into the Academy in recognition of their outstanding commitment to excellence in teaching and learning. 

Fellows:   Tim Dalby, Division of Continuing Studies, Patrick Hills-Meyer, Department of Kinesiology, Angela Kita, Biomolecular Chemistry, Peter G. Adamczyk, Mechanical Engineering, Courtney Seidel, Communication Sciences and Disorders, Lindy K. Stoll, Department of Chemistry, Karen Skibba, Division of Continuing Studies, Claudia Irene Calderón, Department of Horticulture, Anya Nesterchouk, Program in ESL, CREECA, Kristin Dalby, Language Institute, Barry Van Veen, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Virginia L. Snyder, Physician Assistant Program, SMPH, Andy Garbacz, Educational Psychology, Eric Carlsson, History, Arganthael Berson, Mechanical Engineering, Lesley Bartlett, Education Policy Studies

Future Faculty Partners:   Jun Wang, Department of Engineering Physics, Anna Meier, Political Science, Carlos Andrés Rojas, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Erin Gangstad, Department of Communication Arts, Anna Kowalkowski, Surgery, SMPH, Mirva Johnson, Department of German, Nordic, and Slavic, Nicole Fischer, Department of German, Nordic, and Slavic, Mary Dueñas, Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis, Stephanie McCullough Campbell, School Psychology, Martin Kimathi Muthee, African Cultural Studies

Seeking New Members: Apply to become a member of the UW-Madison Teaching Academy, or nominate a colleague who has demonstrated excellence in Teaching & Learning at UW-Madison. Apply nowteachingacademy.wisc.edu/get-involved/call-for-members


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This is a space waiting for YOU to fill it! This is a chance to share ideas and inspiration with Fellows, Partners & Affiliates across campus! Why not take a few minutes to share a few thoughts right now?

Contribute to the NEXT Academy Forum: go.wisc.edu/theacademyforum

  • What is your favorite place *indoors* to read, rest or ruminate on campus during the winter months?
  • What tips do you have for making collaborative student projects successful?
  • What is something you have tried to do differently after attending the Teaching Academy’s Winter Retreat (1/31)?

Responses included in the newsletter will typically be less than one paragraph, but in some cases we may include a longer response. Responses may be edited for brevity and to fit the format of the newsletter. 

Member Responses

The answers below were contributed by Academy members to question posed in the November & December newsletters. Thank you to all our readers and contributors!  View a printer-friendly version


… I learned about a variety of online collocation tools. I find these tools extremely useful in two ways. First, I use them when teaching vocabulary to ensure that I am providing learners a full picture of the word and the most common usage.  Second, I have put together a vocabulary learning resource page on Canvas with links and instructions about how to use collocation tools. This has provided my students with autonomy, an essential part of language instruction. ~Kristin Dalby, Language Institute 

I was introduced to Academic Reading Circles (Seburn, 2012) at a conference a few years back, and it drastically changed my approach to working with texts in a class.  It’s a powerful, yet simple approach that empowers students by making each of them an expert in an aspect of a text through assigned roles. I highly recommend it, for content or language instruction! ~Dan Pell, DoIT Academic Technology 


One feature I really like is the seamless integration of Kaltura into Canvas. It’s so easy to embed a video into a page. Since it’s right there, students usually watch it. ~Heidi Evans, Program in English as a Second Language

I’d love to see a way to a) Automatically give “participation” points for submitting quiz responses, and b) Automatic partial credit of quizzes. ~Margene Anderson, DoIT Academic Technology

What is one thing you tried in your work or classroom after the Fall Retreat on Inclusive Teaching Practices (held on Sept. 27, 2019)? What did you do and how did it go?

“It’s normal to struggle” To help first-year students see they are not alone, at the beginning of three different classes, students shared their experiences on one the following questions in pairs:

1) What do you find difficult about organizing your study schedule? What strategies have you discovered to make better use of your time?
2) What challenges do you have in meeting deadlines? How do you motivate yourself to keep up with the work? and 
3) What issues have you experienced in organizing your files? What tips do you have for organizing your files? 

For new students, it was helpful to learn that other students were also struggling, and together, they compared solutions and discussed ways to address these common concerns. ~Heidi Evans, Department of English, Program in English as a Second Language

“Are people like me successful here?” I’ve been much more intentional about making visible the faces of people behind the concepts, theories, discoveries and articles that we study.  It’s been useful both for seeing where this represents diversity in the canon — and where there is more effort needed to update and broaden the voices included on the course. Thanks Marcus! ~Anonymous Hedgehog

Thank you to this month’s guest editor, Tim Dalby!

Get involved! Learn how you can contribute to the Academy’s ongoing activities

  • Summer Institute (TASI) — margene.anderson@wisc.edu Join the TASI action committee; share your talents in one of these areas: communications & marketing, participant outreach & management, speaker recruitment, on-site admin, onsite consultation
  • Active Teaching Labs — john.martin@wisc.edu Improve campus teaching by helping to plan, organize, and facilitate instructor-to-instructor sharing of experiences using technology to teach better.
  • Newsletter & Academy Forum — dan.pell@wisc.edu Join the planning committee, contribute to the forum, act as guest editor for monthly newsletter
  • Fall Retrea​t | Winter Retreat —dan.pell@wisc.edu Join the committee to plan, organize & facilitate campus-wide teaching development events 
  • U-Class — jamie.henke@wisc.edu Explore teaching and learning from the student perspective by attending our U-CLaSS sessions
  • Analytics Committee — jkowalko@wisc.edu Help us gather and organize data to reflect on the impact of Teaching Academy events 
  • Affiliate/Clinical Affiliate — wenker@pt.wics.edu Teaching experiential courses, from clinic to fieldwork? Become involved in growing the clinical affiliate or affiliate program 
  • Nomination Committee — wenker@pt.wics.edu Honor great campus educators & promote excellence by helping to review nominations to the Teaching Academy