November 2021 Newsletter

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Welcome to our November newsletter! As you brave the chilly winds of November, we hope you find time to read and enjoy this month’s newsletter, which includes updates, and multiple ways of staying connected with the Teaching Academy.

Questions or comments about the newsletter? Contact Dan Pell, Editor Open in Google Docs: Teaching Academy November Newsletter

This month

Revisit and extend your learning from the Academy’s Fall Retreat on Ableism, Disability and Inclusive Practices, with written responses from ADA Coordinator, Dr. Ruben Mota to questions posed by the audience.  Read answers to questions from other Academy members in the Academy Forum. Plan your professional development, with offerings in our Clinical Corner and from the Center for Teaching, Learning and Mentoring. And this month, learn about the Academy’s latest initiative: Red&White Papers.


Upcoming Events | What’s happening in the Academy?

Members Only Roundtable (MoR)

Join fellow Academy members for a “virtual cookie exchange” to share and learn teaching tips & tricks related to the topic of “Doing more with less.”

  • Friday, December 10, from 2:30–4pm on Zoom (virtual event). Register now!

Red&White Papers

  • We are pleased to announce the development of the Teaching Academy’s Red&White papers. These will be grounded in empirically based research, with rich sourcing, and both a scientific and layperson abstract. Read more about them here!
  • If you are interested in serving on the Red&White Papers’ editorial board please contact Morton Ann Gernsbacher ( or Claire Barrett ( before Dec 1, 2021. All Teaching Academy members are eligible.

Teaching Academy Winter Retreat

  • Save the Date! Friday, February 4, 2022 from 9–11am.  Retreat planning is ongoing. Email dan.pell@wisc.eduif you are interested in joining the retreat planning committee.


Welcome! | Recognizing our new members

These individuals have been recently recognized for their outstanding commitment to excellence in teaching and learning. Welcome to the Teaching Academy!


Ruben Mota, Office of Compliance, Britt-Marie Zeidler, Curriculum & Instruction, Mari Magler, McBurney Disability Resource Center

ExComm seeks FFP members!

If you are a Future Faculty Partner (FFP), please consider nominating yourself or a peer to join the Executive Committee (ExComm). We currently have several open positions for FFPs and need your voice as graduate students!  

Note: Places on the ExComm are open to all FFPs, including new members. To learn more about the process and expectations email:


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Fall Retreat 2021 Follow Up | Ableism, Disability, and Inclusive Practices

Read these written responses to questions submitted to the panel during the Teaching Academy 2021 Fall Retreat: Ableism, Disability, and Inclusive Practices.  

2021 Fall Retreat – Questions for panelists

Our thanks to Dr. Ruben Mota, American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator for the University of Wisconsin-Madison for answering these follow-up questions from the Fall Retreat.  Also, thank you to the audience members who participated by asking such thoughtful questions!

Missed the retreat? Revisit and share the panel discussion!

Watch the Fall 2021 Retreat Video (57m22s).  Read the Participant Guide.


Member FYI | New, Events, Training, and Learning Opportunities

The Delta Program Moves to the Graduate School

The Delta Program in Research, Teaching and Learning has transitioned to a new administrative home within the Graduate School. This administrative change will present more opportunities for the Delta Program to collaborate with colleagues in the Graduate School. At the same time, Delta’s mission and programming remains the same. The Delta Program will continue providing impactful teaching and mentoring professional development designed specifically for graduate students and postdocs through their workshops and courses as well as their Internship and Certificate programs. View Delta Program Offerings

For further details, please read the full announcement from the Graduate School. To stay informed about Delta’s upcoming opportunities, join Delta’s biweekly newsletter.

Have something to share? Academy members work in diverse roles and learning environments across our university. If you have an event, training, or opportunity you would like to share with the Academy, contact Dan Pell, editor  (  Messages received by the second Monday of the month may be included in that month’s newsletter.


CTLM Updates | Engage with the Center for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring

It’s been a long semester: Let’s reconnect! Come say hello and discuss teaching with us. As the semester winds down, CTLM continues to offer 60-90-minute sessions every Wednesday!

Looking for a deeper dive?

  • TeachOnline@UW: Join the Facilitation & Management online course winter cohort to hone plans to connect with and engage students. Explore and apply research-based online teaching practices alongside a community of instructors and facilitators. Asynchronously Dec 27 to Jan 21, with synchronous Zoom webinars 9-10:30am on Fridays, Jan 7, 14, 21. Apply by Dec 20

Looking for self-directed resources?

To learn more about these programs or to register, visit the CTLM’s Professional Development Opportunities. All events are posted on the CTLM Events Calendar

If you’re not sure which of the above opportunities is right for you or you’re looking for a different kind of engagement or instructional support, you can request a consultation with a CTLM consultant.


Newsletter CTLC bannerLearning Community | Clinical Teachers’ Corner

November Feature

The Art and Foundations of IPE Facilitation – An IPE Professional Development Day. Wed., January 12, 12:30-4:30pm.  This is a virtual event: Register Today!

The UW Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (UW CIPE) is excited to announce the offering of another IPE Professional Development (PD) Opportunity for faculty, staff, and graduate students.

In collaboration with its internal and external partners, the UW CIPE will offer a virtual interactive IPE PD opportunity on January 12, 2022, from 12:30-4:00pm to UW-Madison (and its partners) faculty, staff, facilitators, preceptors, graduate students, and practitioners who are interested in learning and advancing their knowledge and skills in interprofessional practice and education (IPE) teaching and facilitation.

Core Topics To Be Covered:

  • Why and What IPE
  • How to Plan an IPE Offering
  • IPE Facilitation (vs profession-specific facilitation)
  • Online IPE Facilitation

This IPE PD Day is accredited by UW-Madison ICEP and the participants may earn continuing education credit after completing the Live Session and the asynchronized work. 



Questions? Topics you would like to see? Announcements for the next issue?  Contact Sara Scott (


Newsletter Forum bannerThe Academy Forum  | Share ideas with other members

These responses were written by Academy members in response to questions posed in the October 2021 newsletter. Thank you to our readers and contributors!

Trouble reading this? View responses to the November Academy Forum in Google Docs.

How do you assess and manage the workload for students (and instructors) in your courses?

“Limit it to 5-10 hours a week.” — Jun Wang, Affiliate, Department of Nuclear Engineering

“I think it helps to build reflection on time and effort into a course throughout. One or more mid-course evaluations, and short anonymous exit ticket or poll after major assignments (“How long did this take you?” “Was it more or less than you expected?” “How does the workload on this course compare with your other courses?” …). As instructors & subject matter experts it can be very hard to calibrate how long we think something will take for a learner. And it can be difficult to be fully aware of invisible time-sinks within an assignment (technology issues, unclear instructions, redundant stages…) Solution: Ask — and be willing to adjust. It’s important to ask others in an instructional team also (e.g TAs!). And as instructors we should reflect on our own experience, too: Are my assignments creating a burden for me that does not allow me to use my energies efficiently and effectively to support students’ learning?” — Dan, Fellow, Center for Teaching, Learning and Mentoring

What is your take on virtual conferences and events? Share any positive (or negative, or funny) experiences.

“It saves time, no need to travel, can attend several meetings in one day. Not in person make the communication not best, cannot draw figures to explain ideas, cannot visit nearby collaborators, onsite facility visit.” — Jun Wang, Affiliate, Department of Nuclear Engineering

“Don’t ask anyone to be ‘fully present’ during a Zoom event.”  — Anonymous Fruitbat, Fellow

“One of our most engaged community partners with the School of Human Ecology (and other UW-Madison campus friends!) – the amazing folks at the Lussier Community Education Center (Madison) – hosts an annual “Harvest Festival” event each Fall, celebrating the diverse talents and interests of the Wexford Ridge community on Madison’s west side.  With farm-to-table and potluck homemade food, a neighborhood/community art gallery, social gathering spaces, music and frolicking fun, it is a neighborhood party that brings out family, friends and neighbors.

Then, the pandemic hit.  How did that thwart the efforts of LCEC and their Harvest Festival in Fall 2020?  It didn’t!  They adjusted their expectations, stuck with their highest priority – celebrating community – and took a “the-show-must-go-on” approach, switching to an online “Zoom Harvest Festival.”  It was raucous!  With open mics, dozens of neighbors and friends were giving shout-outs, greetings, and sharing virtual high five’s and laughter.  They provided “meet & greet” breakout groups for attendees to meet and talk with new acquaintances, followed by all Festival-goers  engaged by a rousing speaker, and, as participants, we went on our happy ways.  An added touch for pre-registered guests was a visit by LCEC staff and volunteers to the residences of online attendees earlier that day, and they delivered to all of us a small gift bag with donated chocolates and a thank you note, telling us that they were looking forward to having us celebrate the online Harvest Festival.  Absolutely fabulous!” — Michael Maguire, Fellow, School of Human Ecology

“I have mixed feelings. On one hand, I’ve never attended so many conferences, talks and events as I have during this virtual life, and that’s great. But it’s so hard to find a distraction-free space (mentally and physically) to ‘attend’ a conference, that I think the quality of my engagement is way down. One thing I have definitely come to appreciate: presentations that don’t require interaction. Don’t get me wrong, I think interaction, on whole, is really valuable! But it is simply not possible to engage actively in Every. Single. Talk.  I have developed an appreciation for the “Pod-cast” style: little or no-visuals, no pauses for interaction. Just a soothing, steady voice punctuated by moments of silence.  I wouldn’t want everything to be that way — and I’ve really enjoyed some great interaction too — but it is nice to have a balance.  And I can’t wait to attend something in person.” — Dan, Fellow, Center for Teaching, Learning and Mentoring

NEXT MONTH: New questions for the Academy Forum.


Join us! Honor a colleague! | The Teaching Academy is seeking new applications and nominations

Now is the perfect time to honor a colleague or nominate yourself!  Our mission is to promote, recognize and support excellence in teaching and learning among faculty, staff and students across campus and beyond. The Teaching Academy welcomes nominees who work in traditional classrooms, clinical practice, field instruction, or instructional support with learners at any level.

There are three types of membership: Future Faculty Partner (FFP), Fellow, and Affiliate.  Read about how to become a Member

Are you an FFP who has moved on to another position in the University?  Contact to discuss changing your status from FFP to Fellow.


get involved bannerGet involved! | Ways to contribute to the Academy’s ongoing activities

Affiliate/Clinical Affiliate: Teaching experiential courses, from clinic to fieldwork? Become involved in growing the clinical affiliate or affiliate program. Contact 

Analytics CommitteeHelp ensure that we are capturing the right information to determine who the Academy’s programs are reaching, whether participants find them valuable, and most importantly, what was learned through participation. Contact 

Fall Retrea​t | Winter Retreat: Join the committee to plan, organize & facilitate campus-wide teaching development events.  Contact  

Feedback on Teaching (FOT) Committee: FoT offers an opportunity to participate in scaling up and implementing a new peer observation program across campus. Contact 

Members-Only Roundtables (MOR): We are seeking Fellows who are interested in organizing one-per-semester roundtable discussions among members on issues surrounding teaching & learning. Contact 

Newsletter & Academy ForumJoin the planning committee, contribute to the forum, act as guest editor for the Academy newsletter.  Contact 

Nomination Committee: We are seeking Fellows (Faculty & Academic Staff) and FFPs to help review nominations.  Honor great campus educators & promote excellence by helping to review nominations to the Teaching Academy. Contact  

U-Class: Explore teaching and learning from the student perspective by attending our U-CLaSS sessions. Contact