Instructor Insights Across the Gamut!
- When: Thursday, August 22nd, from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
- Where: Room 2317 Engineering Hall (map)
- Register here
Come join us to learn and share with instructors from across campus!
Across the gamut! Activities, techniques, and ideas featured in the showcase can be applied to a wide range of subjects, courses, and majors. Units represented at this inaugural event span the alphabet from A to almost Z and include Ag and Life Sciences, Astronomy, Bacteriology, Botany, Division of Continuing Studies, Engineering, Environmental Studies, Nursing, Pharmacy, Physics, and the Writing Center. The showcase also includes advice learned from students across campus during our Teaching Academy chat sessions!
Showcase Lunch Break Topic Discussion: Share tips for addressing student learning deficits caused by the COVID pandemic and for reigniting student skills for success. Participants can either bring their own lunch or choose to pick up something from Union South and then join everyone back at Engineering Hall for the discussion.
Questions about the Showcase? Contact Jamie Henke
Morning Session 9-11:45am
Across the Gamut: Teaching + Coaching = Ideas
Across the Gamut: Exam Ideas and Activities
- Top Ten Mistakes
- Student Written Exam Questions
- Exam Wrapper
- Two Stage Exams = Formative and Summative
- Gradually Increasing the Stakes: Exam Work in Three Stages
Across the Gamut: Ideas to Enhance Peer Learning
- Reading Assignment Jigsaw Activities: Divide and Conquer through Peer Learning
- Rank Order Partner Discussions
- Chat Stations
- Flipped Classroom-Podcast Style
Lunch Break 11:45-1pm — Topic Discussion
- Adjusting to COVID-impacted learners. Reigniting student skills for success.
Afternoon Session 1-3pm
Across the Gamut: Unique Ideas and Activities
- Rubric Rating Scales Cookie Activity
- Data Analysis Assignment Design and Tool
- Scaffolded Tutorial Style Learning
- Relevant Assignments
- Outside Classrooms
- Using Live Scripts to Explore Student or Public Data
- Rose-Thorn-Bud: Feedback Technique for Writing Assignments