U-CLaSS Chat: Conflict and Controversy in Classroom Conversations When: Thursday, December 8, 12:00-1:00 p.m. Where: Chadbourne Main Lounge What: U-CLaSS chats bring students and faculty together to talk about shared challenges and opportunities in teaching & learning. Chats are …
Year: 2016
Member Event Recap: “Future Directions of the UW-Teaching Academy” (Oct 26, 2016)
The first Members Only Event of the school year — and the first of this type of event that the Academy had done in many years — occurred on October 26, 2016 at the University …
U-CLaSS: Top ten mistakes instructors make on exams (Oct 20, 2016)
The October 2016 U-CLaSS chat focused on gathering student feedback about examinations and developed a top ten list of mistakes INSTRUCTORS make in their exams. Check out the list below. Top Ten Mistakes Instructors Make …
U-CLaSS: If you could tell your instructor anything, what would it be? (Sept 2016)
We know if you care. We need you to be organized. We admit, some of us aren’t all that organized, and when you’re not organized it makes it just that much worse. We want to …
Retreat Recap: Student Feedback (Sep 23, 2016)
2016: Student Feedback On Friday, September 23 the UW-Teaching Academy held its 2016 Fall Kickoff in Gordon Commons to discuss the role of student feedback in improving teaching. Just over 100 educators met! View the slide …
U-CLaSS: What works for office hours (Mar 04, 2016)
The March 2016 U-CLaSS chat focused on rethinking traditional office hours as “student hours”—as a time set aside for students. Faculty were on hand looking for student input on how to make that time more …
Retreat Recap: Beyond Rate My Professors — Course and Instructor Evaluation (Jan 21, 2016)
Beyond Rate My Professors: The Future of Course and Instructor Evaluation Thursday, January 21st from 8–1:00pm in Union South. At a time of increased accountability, universities are under pressure to build effective methods for evaluating courses …