The April 16th, 5:30-7pm event at Union South featured a relaxed conversation with Peter Brown, author of the influential, evidence-based book Make it Stick. All fellows and future faculty partners of the UW Teaching academy were invited …
The latest updates from the Academy.
Retreat Recap: Fostering the Wisconsin Experience — Empathy and Humility (Jan 26, 2018)
Fostering the Wisconsin Experience: Empathy and Humility January 26th, 8:30am-12pm, DeLuca Forum, Wisconsin Institute for Discovery. The 2018 Winter Retreat dug into how to foster Empathy and Humility in our work and teaching. With a …
Member Event Recap: “Balancing Teaching and Research: Career, Classroom, and Institutional Accountability” (Apr 18, 2017)
The event occurred on Tuesday April 18th, 2017 from 5:30 to 7:00pm in the Steenbock’s Private Dining area. The Director of the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, Dr. Jo Handelsman, and Associate Professor and MTLE Co-Director, Nick Balster, spoke on the …
Retreat: Teaching in Divisive Times (Feb 15, 2017)
Teaching in Divisive Times In an increasingly-polarized culture, teaching and learning are being framed as ideological actions. How do we navigate this in our course spaces? Is discussion an important part of learning? What are best practices for having …
U-CLaSS: Conflict and controversy in classroom conversations (Dec 2016)
U-CLaSS Chat: Conflict and Controversy in Classroom Conversations When: Thursday, December 8, 12:00-1:00 p.m. Where: Chadbourne Main Lounge What: U-CLaSS chats bring students and faculty together to talk about shared challenges and opportunities in teaching & learning. Chats are …
Member Event Recap: “Future Directions of the UW-Teaching Academy” (Oct 26, 2016)
The first Members Only Event of the school year — and the first of this type of event that the Academy had done in many years — occurred on October 26, 2016 at the University …
Retreat Recap: Student Feedback (Sep 23, 2016)
2016: Student Feedback On Friday, September 23 the UW-Teaching Academy held its 2016 Fall Kickoff in Gordon Commons to discuss the role of student feedback in improving teaching. Just over 100 educators met! View the slide …
Retreat Recap: Beyond Rate My Professors — Course and Instructor Evaluation (Jan 21, 2016)
Beyond Rate My Professors: The Future of Course and Instructor Evaluation Thursday, January 21st from 8–1:00pm in Union South. At a time of increased accountability, universities are under pressure to build effective methods for evaluating courses …
Retreat Recap: Reimagining Our World of Teaching and Learning (Oct 03, 2014)
Reimagining Our World of Teaching & Learning On Friday October 3, the UW-Teaching Academy held its 2014 Fall Kickoff in the Great Hall of Memorial Union. Our theme was “Reimagining our World of Teaching and …
Retreat Recap: Enhancing Student Learning Through Feedback (Oct 04, 2013)
Enhancing Student Learning Through Feedback On Friday October 4 about 100 instructors gathered at Union South to talk about enhancing student learning through feedback. Campus experts across disciplines shared research-based principles and experience-informed practices on …